Hydraulic Cylinders & Hydraulic Jacks Manufacturers+86 18921979611pullertop@163.com, pullertop@sina.com

What is Static Load Test of Pile?

Static load tests of piles are used to measure a piles behaviour under a known loading.
A static load test involves application of a heavy constant dead load (kentledge) to the top of the pile. The load is gradually increased incrementally. The pile is generally not tested to its full design capacity but rather a fraction of the design load. The resultant displacement is measured and compared against the applied load verify the geotechnical performance of the pile including:

The arrangement and sequencing for a standard static load test of piles is as follows:

1. The pile is constructed
2. A hydraulic cylinder is set up on the pile head
3. A grillage of primary and secondary steel beams is set up above the jacks in preparation to support the dead load
4. A datum bar is set-up adjacent to the pile and hydraulic jack which provides a reference point for the future settlement measurements of the pile after it is loaded.
5. Sufficient dead load is placed upon the grillage system. The load is pre-determined by the Structural Engineer and Geotechnical Engineer. The dead load can be provided by anything from bricks, concrete blocks or sand bags.
6. The hydraulic jack bears against the pile head and underside of main primary beam of the grillage. The hydraulic jack is progressively expanded which results in an incrementally increasing load being applied from the dead load grillage to the pile head.
7. With each incremental increase in loading, the settlement of pile is measured using the datum bar as a reference. This can be later extrapolated to verify the full design load on the pile.
The image below shows a cross-section of this typical arrangement…

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Pullertop has a legendary product for this test, this 2500 Ton RR Series Hydraulic Cylinder is made of high alloy steel and coated with a tough exterior paint to withstand the most demanding applications. High grade seals and chrome plated piston plunger help to extend service life Double acting center bore hydraulic cylinders have two connection ports to provide hydraulic flow for both advancement and retraction of the plunger. This provides a more controlled retraction than a single acting cylinder.