Hydraulic Cylinders & Hydraulic Jacks Manufacturers+86 18921979611pullertop@163.com, pullertop@sina.com

Flange Alignment Pins

PullerTop’s  FLANGE ALIGNING TOOLS are a safe, fast, and effective solution for even the toughest flange alignment jobs. The tool’s tapered shaft is a feature that eliminates the need for hammering and prying when lining up flange bolt holes. Flange Aligning Tools are made of steel and surface coated for rust protection and marked with both the bolt hole size and part number for easy identification. The tools are sold individually and in sets.

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Product Description

Product Lines: Flange Aligning Tool

  • The flange alignment tool is a simple and effective way to align any flange for any alignment job.
  • All the operator has to do is to slide the thin end of the pin through the holes in the two flanges that most closely line up and turn the pin with a wrench. As the pin spins the holes will begin to line up.
  • The tool’s tapered shaft has a patented end. This detail eliminates the need for hammering, prying and pushing when attempting to line up flange bolt holes.
  • If necessary you can use a second pin on the opposite side of the flange to get the flange to completely line up. At this point the operator can slide the bolts through the aligned bolt holes and tighten them up to the correct torque rating.

Think Safety

Manufacturer’s rating of load and stroke are maximum safe limits. Good practice encourages using only 80% of these ratings!

Series Specifications

Bolt Hole Size 3/8″ – 3-5/8″
LENGTH 2-1/8″ – 20″
Weight:(KG) 0.02-25

Series Comparison

Flange Aligning Tool
FT00 3/8″ 2-1/8″ 0.02
FT0 1/2″ 2-3/8″ 0.07
FT01 5/8″ 2-3/4″ 0.1
FT02 3/4″ 3-1/4″ 0.2
FT03 7/8″ 3-1/2″ 0.28
FT04 1″ 4″ 0.42
FT06 1-1/8″ 5″ 0.7
FT08 1-1/4″ 5-1/2″ 0.9
FT1012 1-3/8″ 6-1/4″ 1.3
FT14 1-1/2″ 6-1/2″ 1.5
FT16 1-5/8″ 7-1/4″ 1.9
FT1820 1-3/4″ 7-7/8″ 2.1
FT22 1-7/8″ 8-3/8″ 2.6
FT2426 2″ 9″ 3
FT30 2-1/8″ 12″ 4.8
FT34 2-3/8″ 13-1/4″ 6.1
FT3642 2-5/8″ 14″ 7.7
FT48 2-7/8″ 13-5/8″ 11
FT5054 3-1/8″ 18″ 16.1
FT60 3-5/8″ 20″ 24.9
FT0L 1/2″ 5-3/8″ 0.14
FT01L 5/8″ 5-3/4″ 0.22
FT02L 3/4″ 6-1/4″ 0.39
FT03L 7/8″ 6-1/2″ 0.5
FT04L 1″ 7″ 0.7
FT06L 1-1/8″ 8″ 1
FT08L 1-1/4″ 8-1/2″ 1.4
FT1012L 1-3/8″ 9-1/4″ 1.8
FT14L 1-1/2″ 9-1/2″ 2.1
FT16L 1-5/8″ 10-1/4″ 2.6
FT1820L 1-3/4″ 10-7/8″ 3
FT22L 1-7/8″ 11-3/8″ 3.7
FT2426L 2″ 12″ 4.2
FT30L 2-1/8″ 15″ 6.1
FT34L 2-3/8″ 16-1/4″ 7.8
FT3642L 2-5/8″ 17″ 9.5

Flange Aligning Tool Sets
FTS24 FT02, FT03, FT04 5
FTS26 FT02, FT03, FT04, FT06 6.4
FTS28 FT02, FT03, FT04, FT06, FT08 8
FTS212 FT02, FT03, FT04, FT06, FT08, FT1012 10.6
FTS1426 FT14, FT16, FT1820, FT2426 21.2
FTS24L FT02L, FT03L, FT04L 6.3
FTS26L FT02L, FT03L, FT04L, FT06L 8.3
FTS28L FT02L, FT03L, FT04L, FT06L, FT08L 10.9
FTS212L FT02L, FT03L, FT04L, FT06L, FT08L, FT1012L 14.6