Hydraulic Cylinders & Hydraulic Jacks Manufacturers+86 18921979611pullertop@163.com, pullertop@sina.com

LGH3100,Movable Hydraulic Lock-Grip Puller

The LGH3100 is an ideal solution for pulling medium to large size wheels, sprockets, bearings and other similar shaft-mounted parts. The puller’s self-centering closing “Lock-Grip” system allows all jaws to move simultaneously, making it easy for the operator to mount the puller and to perform the application. LGH3100 is a 3 jaw design which can be converted into a 2 jaw puller for use when clearance is limited.

NOTE: the 2 jaw configuration has a capacity of 70 ton (622 kN).

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Product Description

Product Lines: Trolley Mounted Hydraulic Puller

• Synchronous grip jaw movement for easy alignment of the three jaws while setting it on the workpiece to be removed

• Lock-on jaws offer a secure grip

• Smooth action scissor lift: hydraulically actuated lift cylinder on cart extends puller from centre height between 699 – 1679 mm

• Mounted on a stable cart/trolley with a wide base. Includes pockets to provide the option of using a forklift

Think Safety

Manufacturer’s rating of load and stroke are maximum safe limits. Good practice encourages using only 80% of these ratings!

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Series Comparison

Model No. Capacity(T) Spread(mm) Maximum Reach(mm) Regulation of Puller Center Height(mm) Stroke(mm) Weight(Kg)
LGH 3100 95T 730 – 1985 1220 700-1680 257 1400